Monday, May 5, 2008

Reflection on the second lecture

After the lesson, I have learnt that as the shape growth of blogger in worldwide, blogs have the potential to effectively support teaching and learning activities.
Student are now in the age of no longer live in static web pages. Blog can enhace learning and teaching within student, teachers and school.
For student, blog can allow student to post their work schedule, discuss group assigment and review peer work. Blogs do not support only written text-based expression, but enable student to present their ideas in multimodal formats. They can present their own writing and give an immediate response within each other.
For teacher, blogs are avaliable for sharing information with student. Besides, it can give fast feedback to students. It is so convenient for student to communicate and interact. The information can be accessed in everywhere as an advanced.
For school, it is the best way to publish school news and provide a best way to communicate with the parent.
The advanced potential the blog given to us are easily be found in the lesson also. We can manage our own group blog easily and post relevant information such as slide share and video. As a result, as a teacher we can apply the skill of using blog in our teaching.

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